
Book Onto Our Autumn Series Of Open Events! Find Out About Scholarships!

What is Prep?

Prep is a free homework club for Year 5 -11 pupils and along with breakfast club, acts as a wrap-around service for busy mums and dads. Prep is available Monday to Friday for Junior School Years 5 and 6 and Monday-Thursday for Senior School. Please note that pupils book themselves in for prep with their form tutors at registration time.

A few more details

Half prep includes prep tea and finishes at 4.45 pm Full prep includes prep tea and finishes at 5.15pm Prep tea is served in the dining room from 3.45pm - 4.00pm If children are attending an after school activity and wish to attend prep afterwards, they should inform their form tutor at morning registration time. There is no charge for prep or prep tea.

Your choice. Their future.

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