
Book Onto Our Autumn Series Of Open Events! Find Out About Scholarships!

Westbourne isn’t just any school

Based in the leafy historic suburbs of the City, we are the only co-educational independent school in Sheffield offering first class education to girls & boys from the age of 3 to 16.

Westbourne’s Sheffield Half Marathon Team, parents Rachel Jokhi and her dad Steven, Rosina Khan, John Rayner and Jane Kersley from the Junior School Office staff will be running (staggering, chugging and lugging themselves round) the Sheffield Half Marathon on April 8th to raise money for our Charity of the Year, St Luke’s.
We would absolutely love to raise £1000 for St Luke’s and to demonstrate to our children the importance of giving something a go, taking on a challenge and raising money for this brilliant cause.
Please give us some motivation to run the hills of Sheffield! Leave us a donation and some inspirational words!

Come along and watch the event it’s a really good vibe on the day!

Thanks so much for your generosity!

Your choice. Their future.

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