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Meet our Head of Senior School

Mr P. Birbeck MA (Cantab) PGCE

As Head of our Senior School, I have worked at Westbourne for over 13 years, prior to that I taught in and helped to lead successful Maths departments in large comprehensive state schools.

Our primary aim in Senior School is to prepare all our pupils to succeed as best they can at GCSE, whilst nurturing the human qualities of respect, community spirit and co-operation along the way.
Expert teaching in small classes (never more than 16, often considerably smaller at GCSE) combined with a cohesive and caring pastoral care system.
Our Senior School is arranged across three buildings and this has the added benefit of allowing our younger seniors their own space and outdoor area to play and socialise at their own pace, as they grow and develop into the best young adults they can be.
Please contact me should we wish to discuss any aspect of our successful Senior School. or come along and visit to see what Westbourne Senior School can do for your child.

I look forward to meeting you.
Paddy Birbeck

Your choice. Their future.

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