
Book Onto Our Autumn Series Of Open Events! Find Out About Scholarships!

The majority of our Year 11 leavers are allocated their first choice for Further Education Study

Sheffield boasts a number of excellent State Schools, Colleges, Training providers and Independent Schools with 6th Forms depending on what route your child wishes to follow - A Levels, BTEC, Apprenticeships.

Most of our pupils get their first choice for 6th form study

As we don’t have a sixth form, this ensures we are completely independent and provide the best possible advice and consider every option available to our pupils.

We encourage pupils to look into all the options available to them, attend Open Evenings and events before applying.

The majority of our pupils get their first choice for 6th form study and generally go on to local schools and colleges such as  Silverdale, King Edwards, High Storrs, Notre Dame, Tapton, UTC, King Ecgberts, Lady Manners, Thomas Rotherham School. Some also choose to go to Chesterfield College and Sheffield College (where they can do BTEC or A Levels), with some attending Boarding School.

Every year we have pupils who are awarded top scholarships to private 6th forms such as neighbouring Birkdale Sixth Form.

Many Westbourne pupils go on to attend prestigious universities with several Oxbridge success stories.

Westbourne has an extensive careers education programme which starts from Year 7 and aims to guide and support pupils and parents throughout the Post 16 transition process by offering:

  • A planned programme of careers lessons from Year 7 through to Year 11, taught by a specialist teacher. This is delivered through PSHEE lessons which progress and continue from Year 7 through to Year 11.
  • Specialist careers advice from an independent Careers Advisor.
  • An Independent Careers Advisor is available at Year 11 parents’ evenings for all parents and pupils to speak with.
  • A workshop run by the independent Careers Advisor for every Year 11 pupil in October to make them aware of their options.
  • We provide access to up to date and comprehensive careers information and careers advice guidance on the internet and use the UCAS Progress website, introduced at the end of Year 10 and used throughout Year 11.
  • We invite various Heads of Sixth Form schools and colleges to Westbourne to speak to us.
  • We notify parents and pupils weekly through the Friday flyer about Open Evenings and careers information.

Westbourne Provider Access Policy Statement

Your choice. Their future.

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