
Book Onto Our Autumn Series Of Open Events! Find Out About Scholarships!

Mathematics is a web of ideas

Our ambition at Westbourne is for students to build confidence and fluency in mathematical skills and then to make connections between those skills, engaging them in a journey towards the fluent, independent use of mathematical skills to solve problems. Through skilled teaching, assessment and intervention we give all students tailored opportunities, ensuring progress and a fulfilling of individual potential.

In the Maths department, pupils will learn to appreciate precision and detail, to enjoy the great game and puzzle of shapes and numbers. Carefully order and interpret information, to explain what they observe around them and make predictions about the unseen.

What will I learn?

Year 7
We look to assess the different mathematical skills and methods and integrate students into Senior School Maths. We move on to develop good learning habits and to develop a deep understanding of the key number, shape and algebra topics. Students should concentrate on settling in to the step up in standards and aim to be flexible.

Year 8
We complete our preparation for GCSE which begins in Year 9. Our ongoing structure of setting ensures that students will be in the correct set to maximise their potential.

GCSE Mathematics

Students follow the new specification GCSE Mathematics course.

Higher Tier Grades 9-4 (8 = A*, 4 = -C)
Foundation Tier Grades 5-1 ( 5 = -B, 1=G)

This is a much more challenging course than previous versions so students need to be determined and resilient.
They will have to develop deep thinking skills to be able to thrive at this level and to this end we integrate as many multi topic extended questions into lessons as we reasonably can.

It is important to recognise that at Higher level (but also at Foundation) that there will be concepts and problems that stronger students will find difficult, but that constant engagement will improve their skills.
We have a strong track record of achieving top grades at GCSE with the vast majority of our students studying Higher.

More gifted students are offered to study Further Maths FSQM which is a qualification designed to introduce elements of A’ Level a year early.

- Anjali Ashok - Hart Shaw Prize for Excellence in Mathematics 2017

Your choice. Their future.

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