
Book Onto Our Autumn Series Of Open Events! Find Out About Scholarships!

Go wild with Forest School!


Discover the excitement of Forest School this Summer! Our enchanting outdoor learning space in the Victorian dell is now open to children from all over the city, including our beloved Westbournians. Explore our Forest School evening, Saturday, and Summer holiday sessions, and secure your spot today. Get ready for a wild adventure amidst nature’s wonders!

Open Saturday Forest School Sessions

  • What: Child-led experience learning and engaging with nature in our beautiful, Victorian Dell, crafting using natural resources, building shelters, safe fire lighting, using tools and playing games.
  • Who: Ages 6-16, children from any school
  • When: 10-1pm and 1pm till 4pm, 2 sessions per day, every Saturday starting, 29 April 2023
  • Cost: £22 per session, £40 for the day
  • How to register: Book Saturday Forest School

Evening Bushcraft Club sessions

  • What: Bushcraft skills session: Learn new skills, work with tools and natural resources, have fun, create new memories, build and strengthen family bonds and make new friends!
  • Who: Westbourne parents and children 
  • When: Every Tuesday Evening 5:30pm-7:30pm starting 25 April
  • Activities: Each week has a theme:
    27.06.23 – Den/Shelter building  – Making a shelter/ Den using only natural materials.
    04.07.23 – Tool use – Using tools to make a mallet and a peg
    11.07.23 – Tool use and green wood craft
  • Cost: New reduced price of £12 per adult or senior school age kid. NB Each adult ticket comes with 2 free junior school children tickets.
  • How to register: Book Bushcraft Club

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