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Westbourne School 2021 Scholarship sessions postponed
THE annual Westbourne School scholarship process has been postponed as the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown continues.
We always offers a limited number of discounted scholarship places for entry at Year 7.
The scholarships awarded are based upon examinations and assessments which were to have taken place on various dates throughout January.
But with school now on lockdown and lessons going online for all but the children of key workers, the scholarship process has been put on hold.
“It has been a difficult decision to take but it has not been possible to come up with an alternative virtual process that would have suited everybody,” said Headmaster John Hicks.
“Although we are currently unable to set a new date, we can assure parents and children that the scholarship process will be completed in time for the autumn term and there is no need to worry about missing this great opportunity to join the Westbourne family.”
Scholarships offer potential students the chance to join the school with a good financial saving, although the value of any award is at the discretion of Mr Hicks. “Our scholarship day is always enormously popular both with internal and external applicants,” he said.
“At Westbourne we are proud to say that we are not only about gaining excellence but sharing excellence and a scholarship can really help to make the cost of an independent education more achievable.”
The scholarships are an opportunity for more able pupils at any school in the area whose parents are considering the option of the independent sector at secondary school level.
To keep up to date with the latest information on the Westbourne scholarship process contact the school admissions team e-mail:
Please click to download our prospectus.