Book Onto Our Autumn Series Of Open Events! Find Out About Scholarships!
At Westbourne, it’s not just imaginations but computer skills that are being developed. This term we have launched a new drive in computer education to prepare our younger pupils for the careers of the future.
The school’s first ever specialist Coding Club and Junior Computing Day are just some of the activities on offer as part of the initiative. Junior School Computing Coordinator, Jonathan Hounsome is taking the lead using resources from the Rasberry Pi Foundation, the gold standard for coding worldwide.
Pupils from Reception to Year 2 have the chance to use Scratch Jr, an interactive programming tool and Bee-Bot, a robot they learn to move in different directions. Year 3 to Year 6 are using Raspberry Pi Code Club and Sphero. These will enable them to solve problems linked to curriculum subjects, leading to the design of simple apps and video games.
As part of the school’s aim to enthuse pupils and boost coding skills, February 23 will also see Westbourne host its first Computing Day across Junior School, supported by Coding Club pupil members. In the same week, as part of the school’s computing schedule, there will be trips for the whole of Junior School, to the National Video Games Museum in Sheffield. All of these activities are underpinned by online safety for which Safer Internet Day will play an important role for the whole school at the beginning of the month.
“At Westbourne, we recognise that pupils can learn ‘powerful knowledge’ through computing education, enabling them to become informed and active participants in our increasingly digital society.”
“We are committed to making sure that our pupils are at the forefront of educational trends and developments in this area,” said Junior School Head, Jon Clark.
“Our initiative is a direct response to parent demand as well as a recent Government review. This highlights the importance of computer education skills to equip children for their future.”
“We have had an overwhelming response. Coding Club is already completely booked up and the whole of Junior School is signed up for our first Junior Computing Day.”
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