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Above: Adil, Y5T and George (Y6K) were awarded a Resilience Doughnut for demonstrating their determination and perseverance at the swimming gala. Well done boys, a fantastic achievement!”
EARLIER this term we went to Heeley Baths to compete in the annual swimming gala. All able swimmers from Year 5 to Year 6 participated in three strokes, front crawl, breaststroke and backstroke. I think we all liked to be in the competitive atmosphere and got us ready for the challenge ahead. We would also like to thank all the P.E staff that drove us there and encouraged us along the way.
The first race was front crawl, the year five boys went first. In first place came Oscar O’Brien Birch, in second place came Isacc Arnold and in third place was a tie between Theo Fletcher and Alexsander Acimov. Next year five girls went, and it was an all Johnson top three with Izzy and Poppy Bedford and Lucy Johnson.
After that, the year six boys raced, In first place came Eric Ivanov, in second came Danny Pudil and in third came Yangyi Ren. After that, the year six girls raced and in first place came Halley Steadman and in a close second, Florence Davidson and to top of the top three came Ava Lowrie.
The second race was breastroke, the year five boys went first again. In first place came Andy, in second place came Joshua Hague and in third place came Caleb. Next came the year five girls, and it was a repeat finish with Izzy and Poppy Bedford and Lucy Johnson.
After that, the year six boys went, In first place came Yangyi Ren, in second place came Danny Pudil and in third place came Alfie Rees-Oxley. Next went the year six girls. First came Ava Lowrie, in second came Florence Davidson and in third place came Halley Steadman.
The third and final race was backstroke. First came Oscar O’Brien Birch, in second came Joshua Hague and in third came Isacc Arnold. After that, the girls raced and the Bedford’s once again came in the top three with Neve Wright slotting into the top three.
Then, the year six boys raced. First came Eric Ivanov, second came Danny Pudil and in third came Yangyi Ren. Finally, the year six girls race. First came Halley Steadman, second came Florence Davidson and in third came Ella Chan.
Romessa Qureshi, Year 7 said:
I really enjoyed swimming in the gala and the races. Well done to Hao Hao in Y7 for getting first in all of the strokes and well done to mercer for winning the relay. My favourite strokes were breaststroke and front crawl. I didn’t enjoy the backstroke much. I enjoyed the swimming gala and hope we get to do another one.
Advait Shastry Year 7 added:
I enjoyed the swimming gala because it was a very nice experience to participate in.It was especially fun because you got to compete with your friends and test yourself.Everyone swam really greatly but there was a few people that stood out and they were: Evie cole,Hao Hao Shi and Richard Lee.Even for the people that weren’t swimming they were very supportive to their fellow teammates.
Written by George and Oscar, Year 6
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