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Westbourne celebrates GCSE success

After another disrupted and unprecedented year, Year 11 students at Westbourne have received their GCSE results at the end of a careful process of internal assessment by their teachers. We are proud of all our students’ achievements this year: 80% gained at least 5 GCSEs at grade 5 or above, and a third of all students gained at least one A* grade (grade 8 or 9).

With the cancellation of the usual external exams, staff were tasked with evidencing grades for students and engaged in a structured programme over several weeks in the summer term to achieve this. All of our students showed remarkable resilience and determination to succeed when faced with this new and unexpected set of potentially stressful challenges, and their teachers have worked incredibly hard to ensure that they have gained the grades they deserve in order to move on to the next stage of their education.

We wish them every success in their future endeavours, and will always be happy to hear from them as Old Westbournians.

Your choice. Their future.

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