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Our curriculum includes the 'hidden curriculum' where children learn from the way they are treated and the way they are expected to behave

The Westbourne curriculum is not only the subjects taught in lessons, but also all the planned activities in our KS2 residential programme and annual trips and events that we organise in order to enrich the children's experience and promote learning and personal growth and development. Homework is set appropriately and progressive as children move through the school and links with our enrichment programme which enables pupils to extend their learning and thinking in specific curriculum areas.

The Westbourne Curriculum ensures that optimal learning in a safe, challenging and inspirational environment takes place for all our children.  A balanced and varied curriculum prepares each child for life and promotes mutual respect and friendship.

Planning is based around the 2014 National and Chris Quigley’s Creative Curriculum. A holistic cross-curricular themed approach to teaching ensures that children acquire a solid base for lifelong learning.

All our children, as independent learners, are encouraged to make their thinking visible; developing a ‘tool kit’ of effective strategies in order to become analytical and robust learners. Creative and critical thinking skills are facilitated and both cognitive and non-cognitive skills, are embraced allowing our children to:

  • Plan how to approach each learning task effectively
  • Use appropriate skills and strategies to solve problems
  • Monitor their own comprehension of text
  • Self-assess and self-correct in response to their self-assessment
  • Evaluate progress toward the completion of a task

The Westbourne curriculum sets out the steps children require to learn and enable them to master the end of key stage expectations. Teaching is inclusive and all learners are supported and challenged appropriately.

Key stage milestones provide meaningful tracking of pupils (attainment) towards expectations. Effective qualitative and quantitative information helps refine the quality of teaching and ensures feedback to pupils further develops learning and is focused on specific and tangible objectives.

The key British values of tolerance, respect, fair play, a belief in freedom and democracy are explored, explained, promoted and demonstrated in work across the entire curriculum. This in turn helps prepare our pupils not only for their journey at Westbourne but also for life and learning beyond.

Similarly, our curriculum and learning at Westbourne develops our children as resilient and perseverant individuals; always exploring new things, working hard, concentrating, pushing themselves, using their imagination, understanding others and never stopping improving.



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