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Westbourne is inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate

As an independent school, Westbourne is inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate, which is licensed by the Department of Education and regulated by OFSTED.  The most recent inspection was in January 2022 and the full report will be published here shortly.


In 2017 the inspection report was a Compliance Inspection published in 2017.

Read the full ISI report

ISI inspection November 2013

The report stated: “The school promotes excellent links with parents, who are overwhelmingly positive about all areas of school life.” Inspection evidence confirms these views.

Westbourne School, in Broomhill Sheffield, has been rated at least good in all categories and excellent in a number of key areas.

The school is academically non selective and caters for boys and girls aged three to 16 and successfully achieves its main aim of providing an education of quality and to prepare
children for life.

The report noted that, pupils enjoy excellent relationships with each other and staff; they are polite respectful, courteous and mature in their dealings with each other and adults; and their social, moral and cultural development is excellent.

Head John Hicks commented: “The whole school community is absolutely thrilled with this report. We were particularly pleased with the judgements that the inspectors gave us, with several improvements being made since the last inspection.

However, we are by no means complacent and will continue to work hard to address the small number of areas recommended for further improvement.”

The report stated: ‘The school promotes excellent links with parents, who are overwhelmingly positive about all areas of school life. Inspection evidence confirms these views.

The curriculum is supported by an excellent range of extra curricula opportunities and further enriched by an excellent variety of residential and day trips.

Pupils are strongly motivated and work cooperatively with teachers and their peers. They work independently in small groups and throughout the school teachers have excellent subject knowledge.’

The school was also praised for the “arrangements for pastoral care, welfare, health and safety which were also judged as being excellent”.

Some of the major findings are as follows:

  • We have been rated at least good in all categories and excellent in a number of key areas
  • The quality of its EYFS provision [Pre-School & Reception classes] is excellent.
  •  The school is academically non selective and caters for boys and girls aged three to 16 and successfully achieves its main aim of providing an education of quality and to prepare children for life.
  • The report noted that, pupils enjoy excellent relationships with each other and staff; they are polite respectful, courteous and mature in their dealings with each other and adults; and their social, moral and cultural development is excellent.
  • The school promotes excellent links with parents, who are overwhelmingly positive about all areas of school life. Inspection evidence confirms these views.
  • The curriculum is supported by an excellent range of extra-curricular opportunities and further enriched by an excellent variety of residential and day trips.
  • Pupils are strongly motivated and work cooperatively with teachers and their peers. They work independently in small groups and throughout the school teachers have excellent subject knowledge.’
  • The school was also praised for the “arrangements for pastoral care, welfare, health and safety which were also judged as being excellent”.

Read the full inspection report

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