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Westbourne School opens it doors to girls in all year groups. The first girl was Laura Bramall who was featured in a TV documentary.

Westbourne School opens it doors to girls in all year groups

New Senior School opens in the adjacent Ashdell House, offering co-education to GCSE (age 16).

New Senior School opens in the adjacent Ashdell House, offering co-education to GCSE (age 16).

The then Lower and Upper Schools (combined as Junior School in 2007) were refurbished and the outside yard was roofed over.

The then Lower and Upper Schools combined as Junior School

In the same year the school received an outstanding report from the Independent Schools' Inspectors.

The arrival of Headmaster John Hicks

Opening of the extension to Senior School in the former Radio Sheffield Headquarters, Ashdell Grove. New Junior School library and early years play areas were also opened.

Opening of the extension to Senior School

An outstanding Ofsted Early Years report.

Outstanding Ofsted Early Years report

February - ISI Inspection. Our Early Years, once again, got outstanding throughout.

EYFS Outstanding Inspection

May - 125th Anniversary Year Celebration Service in the Sheffield Cathedral.

125th Anniversary Year Celebration Service in the Sheffield Cathedral

January - Pre-School opened for children aged 3-4 years.

Pre-School opened

January 2015 saw the opening of the new Pre-School extension to accommodate the increase in demand

Pre-School facility extended to meet growing demand

June 2015 John Holt High Sheriff of South Yorkshire officially opened Westbourne Place.

John Holt High Sheriff of South Yorkshire officially opened Westbourne Place

September 2015 saw the launch of the new Senior School uniform. The new tie was based on the colours of the Old Westbournian leavers tie.

New Senior School uniform was introduced

Westbourne was voted Top School in Sheffield and 7th Nationwide by The Sunday Times School Guide 2018

Top School in Sheffield

Senior School demand increases following the publication of school performance tables on 26th January which show Westbourne as one of the top academic schools in the area.

School Performance Tables published

Westbourne achieves a grading of 'excellent' in all categories of Educational quality

Excellent in ISI Inspection 2022

The arrival of Chris Hattam, new Headmaster

The arrival of Chris Hattam, new Headmaster

Middle School (aged 11-13). Mr Hawker appointed Head of Middle School. This September marks the launch of our new 'Middle School' programme for Year 7 and 8 at Westbourne. These golden years are a crucial period for our children, free from the pressures of SATs and GCSEs. We are committed to maximising these years to ensure growth and development, preparing our pupils for the opportunities ahead.

Middle School Opens at Westbourne School

Mr Edmanson joins Westbourne as the new Headteacher, bringing a wealth of experience with nineteen years in education, including the UK state sector and twelve years of leadership in high-performing international independent schools

New Headmaster

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