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Co-education is exciting, supportive, inspiring, natural and real

Children mix socially in the world beyond the classroom and at Westbourne we believe they should be able to do so in school time too. We believe that co-education better reflects the diversity of our society

We believe that children should develop a happy way of being together

"There are no overriding advantages for single-sex schools on educational grounds. Studies all over the world have failed to detect any major differences."
- Professor Alan Smithers, director of education and employment research at the University of Buckingham;

"For both girls and boys, co-education provides a more realistic way of training young people to take their places naturally in the wider community of men and women: it helps to break down the misconceptions of each sex about the other and provides an excellent foundation for the development of realistic, meaningful and lasting relationships in later life".

Studies Show

Students at independent co-educational schools feel comfortable about who they are and have a healthy and positive attitude and self-image. They better prepare students to succeed in post-Secondary education and to eventually enter the workforce;

Most students in co-educational schools indicate,"it is easy for students at my school to find a group that they fit in with";

Students in co-educational schools are more likely to feel safe in their school environment;

Research shows students in co-educational schools grow to be confident expressing their views in the presence of members of the opposite sex

Collaboration in the classroom helps develop confidence in all students as staff prepare them for the next stage in their journey.

Girls at single-sex schools are no more likely than those at co-educational schools to participate in class discussion;

Working together in the classroom and on homework assignments provides boys and girls the opportunity to learn from each other intellectually, as well as socially

Our teachers recognise that some gender differences in learning do exist and are skilled in catering for diverse learning needs in the classroom

At Westbourne every girl has a voice

Our girls enjoy not only equal opportunity but every opportunity. Activities in abundance are open to them; opportunities that allow them to become strong confident, independent women, who participate, influence and lead.
The reality is that there is no piece of research that has been able to clearly demonstrate that girls do any better in single sex classes than boys do.
But the Westbourne experience, gained over many years of practical success, is that girls can and do flourish in the mixed environment where they are given every opportunity to develop and excel.
Co-education prepares Westbourne girls for success beyond the classroom, as the many successes in both academic and sporting achievements demonstrate. Girls' perceptions of their abilities in maths and science are nearly identical, whether they attend single-sex or co-educational schools

We inspire and nurture the girls of today, who will be the leaders of tomorrow.

Girls at single-sex schools are no more likely than those at co-educational schools to participate in class discussion and Westbourne girls grow in confidence expressing their views in the presence of their male peers.
In a mixed environment girls also feel much more comfortable about who they are and develop a positive and healthy self-image.
Co-education helps both girls and boys to have a better understanding of each other and can even lead to to much more positive experiences later in life.

Our girls aim high and exceed expectation, leaving Westbourne as confident individuals, ready to take on the challenges of life.

"I personally would like to take this opportunity to thank all the wonderful teachers who I was privileged to learn from in my twelve years at Westbourne and for the very large role Westbourne has had to play in my success..."
-Lizzie Peck former Head Girl, Oxford.

Every boy has the chance to shine

Westbourne has been educating boys continuously since its foundation in 1885. We work hard to create an environment where boys will be happy, grow in self-confidence, thrive academically, and make the most of the many opportunities we offer.

We pride ourselves on the pursuit of excellence both inside the classroom and out, and on encouraging boys to develop their talents and discover new interests.

For every boy at Westbourne, we want to find the things they love and what makes them 'tick'. We want to help them develop their strengths and be the best that they can be. This builds confidence and encourages them to try new things without fearing failure.

Good teaching and learning is at the heart of what we do. We want the boys to be enthusiastic about their learning, actively participate in the lessons, ask questions and develop lifelong love of learning.

believe that outstanding extra-curricular provision is an essential part of a child's education. We are committed to offering the boys a wide range of opportunities in sport, music, art, drama and other fields.

Your choice. Their future.

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