
Book Onto Our Autumn Series Of Open Events! Find Out About Scholarships!

Westbourne isn’t just any school

Westbourne is the Top school in Sheffield and 7th nationwide, according to the Sunday Times School Guide 2018. Based in the leafy historic suburbs of the City, we have been championing co-education in Sheffield for over 30 years and are the only established co-educational independent school in Sheffield offering first class education to children from the age of 3 to 16. ,

Our Mission and our Values:

Our MISSION at Westbourne is to offer a student-focused environment of educational excellence, ensuring that every pupil reaches his or her full, individual potential.

Our AIMS are:

  • Provide an education of quality.
  • Aspire to excellence in all that we do.
  • Ensure a balanced and varied curriculum.
  • Guide and prepare children for life.
  • Promote mutual respect and friendship.

Our Values:


Achieved through our commitment to;

  • Maintain a happy, safe and secure atmosphere for learning in a disciplined, structured environment.
  • Be friendly, approachable and welcoming.
  • Teach with enthusiasm to stimulate and inspire pupils so that their performance, attitude and achievement is enhanced.
  • Provide an excellent foundation in academic skills, sport, music and personal development.
  • Encourage children to do their best in all areas of school life at all times.
  • We are committed to working in partnership with parents and in providing a supportive family environment to ensure that our children receive the tuition and encouragement they need.
  • We will encourage children in personal responsibility, care for others and their surroundings.

Value Added

League tables are published in national and local newspapers and are often strongly criticised by many educationalists because many schools massage their figures, therefore they are not a true reflection of the learning that takes place in many schools.

Raw league table results do not measure the student progress that a school achieves for its youngsters. Westbourne measures its success on the added value delivered to each individual child, whether a high achiever or a slower learner. Our added value across the board is very good.

We use CATs (cognitive ability tests), Key Stage tests, baseline tests and value added data to assess our students and to measure their academic progress against their raw ability.

A variety of national associations provide us with data and it is therefore officially recognised and moderated.


Westbourne is interested in and focused on developing each individual’s potential. We are not concerned with league tables.

We do not massage our GCSE results because we enter all our students into all their GCSEs regardless of ability.  Most of our students will pass all 10 GCSEs, many will get grade As, the more able will achieve A* in some subjects and the vast majority of our pupils on learning support will exceed expectations.

Get in touch

A former Westbourne student

“Westbourne is distinctive in the way it cares for the individual. The teachers care deeply about the progress of each and every pupil and there is an atmosphere of real warmth and inclusivity which means that everyone is looked after and encouraged to reach their best.”

"Throughout, pupils achieve well and make good progress in their learning, fulfilling the school’s aim to provide an education of quality and to prepare children for life. Pupils succeed in their academic work owing to their very positive attitudes to learning and the good teaching they receive at all ages. The teachers’ strong subject knowledge and their effective use of resources enable pupils, including those with SEND of EAL, to make good progress in relation to their starting points."

Independent Schools Inspectorate

“We just loved Westbourne, the whole family. Westbourne managed to foster a love of learning at the same time as getting outstanding results. There really is a Westbourne Way.”

A Westbourne parent

“A lot more opportunities here due to smaller numbers, if you want to be involved in any sport or club then you can be.”

A Westbourne Student

"The children that come to us from Westbourne are extremely polite and helpful. They are confident self-assured and would be an asset to any team. It is always a pleasure to welcome them to our Company."

A Westbourne Work Experience provider.

“We’ve had 3 children go to though (Westbourne) who have really liked it. They could just concentrate on what they wanted to do.” The 2 girls really appreciated the organisation and the discipline. We really appreciated the academic atmosphere that has given the attitude of being self-motivated and independent with their further study.” To me it has the atmosphere of an old grammar school. If Westbourne has a 6th form they would have stayed but I think it was good for them to spread their wings to ready themselves for university.”

A Westbourne parent

“The Scholarship form was one of the best bits of Westbourne, it allowed you to be academic, the sport and the music were brilliant too, pushing you as far as you wanted to go.”

A former Westbourne student

“I don’t know if the students quite realise how lucky they are to study at Westbourne!”

A former Westbourne student

Your choice. Their future.

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